Monday, June 29, 2009

"Happy 2nd Birthday Jeremiah!!!"

Jeremiah's Birthday Cake from Bashas, turned out real nice.

Mommy and me.

Big Dave(he weighs less than I do now... is it still okay to call him Big Dave?) taking Jeremiah for a cruise on the AbLounger Family Hog.

Oh no! A toy truck bigger than the living room.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


"Is That Good Nummy Num?"

Jeremiah and Abeni


My Good Side

"I Love You"

"Come and Get It? Oh Boy!!!"


"Reformed Streaker"

Jeremiah was getting real good at taking his pajamas and diaper off so his nana brought over the baby safety pins.
Streaker cure it is. It sure has saved us from doing his bedding every day. "Ick!"

"Hey Look! It's Bald and Beautiful."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"

Sometimes you have to kiss a few toads... er tortoises to find your "Prince Charming".